
Is a Mini Facelift the Best Treatment for Your Skin Concerns?

Loss of skin elasticity is a common effect of aging, and people usually begin to notice this by the time they are in their 30’s or 40’s. There are various cosmetic procedures that can address this, from surgical mini facelift treatments to non-surgical laser-assisted skin tightening procedures, among many others. The choice of treatment actually depends on the patient’s skin condition, treatment goals, and eligibility. Know that not everyone is a good candidate for certain procedures, which is why it’s always a good idea to consult a licensed cosmetic specialist to determine whether or not the treatment you are looking to get is the right fit for you.

Consult a facial plastic surgeon for your mini facelift treatment

Since you are looking to have something done on your face, it would be prudent on your part to directly consult a facial plastic surgeon as they are trained in the art and science of cosmetic facial surgeries. Your facial plastic surgeon will perform a thorough evaluation of your skin condition and assess which procedure(s) is/are the right fit for you.

Sagging skin on the lower third of the face

If you’re dealing with loose skin on the jowls or around your jawline, and under your chin, you may be a good candidate for a mini facelift. Understand, however, that a mini lift is designed for patients with mild to moderate skin laxity only. For advanced skin laxity, a full or traditional facelift might be what your doctor would recommend.

For reference, advanced skin laxity generally means loose or sagging skin on the mid to lower parts of the face, and where the skin usually appears more droopy compared to a moderate skin laxity condition.

If your main concern is loose skin along the jawline and under the chin, and the skin doesn’t appear to be too sagging to the point of drooping, then a mini facelift might just be the right procedure for you.

Smaller incisions, less scarring

With a mini lift, patients are reminded that results won’t be as dramatic as those from a full or traditional facelift. However, patients will appreciate the fact that incisions for a mini lift are smaller, which means there is less scarring as well. Incisions are made along the hairline, making scars less visible and noticeable.

Is a mini lift the right fit for you?

Are you a good candidate for a mini facelift? The best way to find out is to consult a licensed facial plastic surgeon. Please feel free to call Capital Facial Plastic Surgery at (240) 630-8175 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Adam E. Singleton, MD. You may also schedule an appointment here.