
Facelift Surgery in Chevy Chase & Washington, D.C.

Imagine turning back the clock on your appearance and rediscovering your look from 8, 10, or even 12 years ago. A facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a surgical facial rejuvenation procedure. It addresses common signs of aging in the face including jowls, lines, creases, wrinkles, sagging skin, and shifting facial tissues. It is one of the most frequently performed procedures at Capital Facial Plastic Surgery and offers excellent results for both male and female patients.

Is a rhytidectomy right for you? Learn more about rhytidectomy in Chevy Chase and the Washington, D.C. area by scheduling a personal consultation with Dr. Singleton.

Facelift Basics: What to Expect from Your Procedure

Dr. Singleton performs all facial plastic surgery treatments, including facelifts. Each procedure is customized to the patient’s needs, so incision placement and surgical techniques will vary. Dr. Singleton will explain your options at your initial consultation.

We offer several types of facelift surgery techniques:

  • Midface Facelift: Treats the area just below the cheeks
  • Traditional Facelift: Treats the entire mid/lower face and neck
  • Lower Facelift: Treats the jawline and neck only
  • Mini Facelift: Ideal for younger patients with less advanced aging

The procedure begins with several incisions, typically placed along the hairline, around/behind the ear, and sometimes under the chin. These areas are carefully chosen for their ability to minimize the appearance of scarring. Our goal is providing the best aesthetic outcome, so the surgery will be customized to the unique architecture of your face.

After the incisions are created the skin is carefully separated from the underlying tissue. Dr. Singleton uses deep plane facelift techniques that use the supportive tissues of the face and neck (SMAS) to provide long lasting results. The tissues are repositioned and tightened. The skin is then redraped, and excess skin is removed. Finally, the incisions are sutured closed and recovery begins.

You’ll spend a short time with us after your surgery for careful monitoring, and in most circumstances go home the same day as surgery. When you’re ready to head home, you’ll need someone to drive you. We’ll talk with your caregiver about the results of your procedure and provide post-operative care instructions before you leave. We ask that each facelift patient has an adult caregiver available at home to help as needed.

Schedule a Consultation

If you have any questions about a procedure or wish to schedule a consultation with Dr. Singleton, please contact our office.

Schedule a Consultation

If you have any questions about a procedure or wish to schedule a consultation with Dr. Singleton, please contact our office.

Recovery After a Rhytidectomy

Recovery after a facelift progresses quickly for most patients. At first, you’ll be very limited in your abilities and will need a lot of help with daily tasks, but each day patients feel better.

Rest a lot the first day. Your body needs to recover from surgery and rest is the best medicine. Starting on day 2 we encourage increased activity. Take a gentle walk around the house, down the street, or around the block as you are able. This gets the blood flowing and provides a wealth of benefits during recovery.

Patients report feeling tenderness, tightness, bruising, and swelling. Comfort is important to a positive rhytidectomy experience, and most patients don’t experience much pain after having a facelift. We provide pain medication just in case, and detailed instructions for taking it. We’ll give you and your caregiver all the information necessary for a successful recovery. And we are always here for you to answer questions or address concerns, so feel free to get in touch!

We’ll schedule several post-operative appointments, the first occurring the day after surgery. Each post-op check is conducted by Dr. Singleton himself, not a nurse practitioner. These visits allow us to check on your healing and address any concerns you may have. These post-operative appointments are as essential to your facelift success as your pre-surgical checks. Make them a priority and come see us as directed.

Most patients take about two weeks off from work after a facelift. Abstain from any physical exertion other than walking for the first 2-3 weeks. We’ll let you know when it is safe to resume exercise and other activities.

Your incisions will be dark and visible at first, but be patient. As the scars mature they will fade from a dark red to a color that is very close to your natural skin tone. We’ll provide information for caring for your scars to ensure the best results from your procedure.

Am I a Good Candidate for Facelift Surgery?

Candidacy for a rhytidectomy depends on a variety of factors including general health, medical history, emotional state, goals for surgery, and lifestyle. The best way to determine if this procedure is right for you is to schedule a consultation with our fellowship-trained facial plastic surgeon Dr. Adam Singleton. He loves meeting with prospective patients, answering their questions, and helping them determine if surgery is the best choice.

Good candidates for facelift surgery typically:

  • Are in good overall health
  • Do not smoke
  • Can commit to 2 weeks off from work and limited activity for 3-4 weeks
  • Have moderate to extensive facial aging in the mid-lower face
  • Want long-lasting, natural-looking rejuvenation

Dr. Singleton understands that choosing a rhytidectomy is a very personal decision and encourages each patient to choose for themselves. We never pressure patients into plastic surgery or recommend treatments when a patient isn’t a good fit. Our consultation is designed to provide you with information. The decision to pursue surgery, or not, is entirely up to you.

What are considerations for Male Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery is a complex surgical procedure on both men and women. We recommend choosing a skilled provider whatever your gender. Male patients do pose some unique challenges to the surgeon. Make sure you choose a facial plastic surgery provider who is very familiar with male facelift surgery. Dr. Singleton is an excellent choice in the Bethesda, Chevy Chase, and Washington, D.C. areas.

Facelift surgery is more complicated on male patients because of facial hair. During the procedure we tighten and reposition the skin. This can shift the hair bearing tissues located on a man’s cheeks and chin. Your surgeon must carefully pay attention to these tissues to ensure proper positioning of hair bearing skin.

Since men typically wear shorter hairstyles than our female patients, scar camouflage can also be more difficult. We’ll talk about your options to ensure a good result. Dr. Singleton is comfortable performing facelift surgery on both men and women and consistently produces superior results.

How Long Do Results Last After Facial Rejuvenation Surgery?

A facelift works deep underneath the skin to address common causes of aging. It isn’t a quick fix and it provides long-lasting results. Since Dr. Singleton uses deep plane techniques, our patients should enjoy their results for years, and even decades to come.

We like to think of the facelift as a reset for your appearance. After the procedure you’ll continue to age, but this aging will occur from where you are now, not where you were before surgery. Facelift results don’t run out after a certain number of years. Most patients will always look younger after their procedure, even though they continue to age.

Rejuvenate your facial appearance with a facelift in the Washington, D.C. area. Contact our offices to schedule a rhytidectomy consultation with Dr. Singleton.

Frequently Asked Questions About Facelift Surgery

The cost for a facelift procedure varies from patient to patient as each patient’s needs and goals are unique. Apart from these, there are several other factors to consider to determine the cost of a facelift surgery, which generally includes your location and the type of facelift surgery (traditional, mini facelift, lower facelift, or midface facelift). The best face lift procedures are customized for each patient according to their needs and desired results, and the best person to determine the actual cost of your facelift surgery is your facial plastic surgeon. Some clinics offer financing options, so ask your surgeon about it during consultation.

A facelift is a surgical procedure performed to correct common signs of aging in the face like jowls, lines and creases, and sagging skin. Facelift surgery is also known as rhytidectomy. There are different types of facelift surgery techniques. Capital Facial Plastic Surgery offers the following: Midface Facelift, Traditional Facelift, Lower Facelift, and Mini Facelift.

A midface facelift targets the area just below the cheeks, and a lower facelift targets the jawline and neck. A traditional facelift, on the other hand, treats the entire mid and lower face and neck. For patients with mild skin laxity, a mini lift is ideal.

A mini facelift is a facelift technique recommended for younger patients, typically those who are in their 40s or 50s, with mild to moderate skin sagging. The procedure is less invasive than a traditional facelift as it requires a shorter incision, and targets only the cheeks and sometimes jawline. It does not correct skin laxity on the neck, chin, or upper face.

Usually, patients who wish to tighten sagging skin but aren’t ready for a full or traditional facelift choose a mini lift instead. Your facial plastic surgeon will determine if you are an ideal candidate for a mini lift during consultation.

After your facelift surgery, your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions that you must strictly follow. These will ensure that you recover and heal properly; and reduce the risk for complications. The first day following surgery, you will need to fully rest to allow your body to recover. On Day 2, you may begin to do light activities. Taking a gentle walk is advised to get the blood flowing, which can greatly help in your recovery.

Your doctor will also ask you to return to the clinic for a check-up one day after your surgery. A schedule for follow-up check-ups will also be given, which you must make sure to follow as these will allow the surgeon to monitor your healing and recovery progress.

The best face lift procedure is one that can effectively correct your specific condition, which means there is not one specific answer to what the best facelift technique is. Each person has unique facial features, and individual needs, and a technique that worked for one patient doesn’t automatically mean it will work for another as well.

Your facial plastic surgeon will thoroughly examine your skin condition first and provide you with a recommendation after evaluation. From this recommendation, you can discuss the various facelift techniques and why they deem their recommended technique as the best one for you. Your surgeon will openly discuss the best face lift procedures available to you.

Facelift near me: Rejuvenate your facial appearance with a facelift in the Washington, D.C. area. Contact our offices to schedule a rhytidectomy consultation with Dr. Singleton.