
Treatments That Complement a Mini-Facelift in Chevy Chase, MD at CapitalFPS

Patients coming in for consultation at Capital Facial Plastic Surgery for a mini-facelift in Chevy Chase, MD are often surprised to learn that a mini facelift or even a full, traditional facelift does not erase all signs of aging on the face. Also, most patients are unaware that there are various types of facelift surgery. For the most part, when the term “facelift” is mentioned, patients already assume you’re talking about the full, traditional facelift.

Mini facelift

A mini facelift is recommended for patients with mild to moderate skin laxity on the lower third of the face. Here, the surgeon makes fewer and shorter incisions compared to a full facelift, which translates to a shorter recovery period. Usually, patients for a mini-facelift in Chevy Chase, MD at Capital Facial Plastic Surgery are those who wish to correct early signs of aging. Dr. Adam Singleton mentions to patients that if done right and timed perfectly, they may not need a full facelift later on.

This is why you should take the time to research on the best clinic for a facelift in Chevy Chase, MD or elsewhere in the country.

Treatments that may be combined with a mini-facelift in Chevy Chase, MD

As mentioned above, a facelift, whether traditional or mini, does not address all signs of aging on the face. During consultation, your doctor may recommend other treatments that can be combined with your mini lift, depending on your treatment goals.

Among these treatments, the following are the most commonly preferred or requested by patients, or recommended by their surgeon:

1. Eyebrow lift

A brow lift is recommended for patients with sagging skin around the eyebrows and lines and creases on the forehead. This procedure is the most common surgical treatment that surgeons combine with a facelift. During consultation, your surgeon will perform a thorough evaluation of your skin condition. If the surgeon determines you’re your sagging brows and forehead lines and creases may be effectively corrected with an eyebrow lift, he might recommend that you receive this treatment simultaneous with your mini facelift.

2. Eyelid surgery

Eyelid lift or blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure performed on patients with skin laxity on the upper or lower eyelid or bags under the eyes. After the eyebrow lift, this is the second-most recommended and/or requested procedure. More than aesthetics, some patients undergo this procedure as sagging skin on the upper eyelids have become problematic particularly because it obstructs their vision.

3. Neck lift

Last but not the least, neck lift. This procedure is the perfect complement to your mini-facelift in Chevy Chase, MD. As mentioned, a mini facelift addresses mild skin laxity on the lower third of the face, which means, the neck is left untreated. Patients dealing loose or sagging skin around the neck are the ideal candidate for a surgical neck lift.

Which treatments are ideal for you? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Adam E. Singleton at Capital Facial Plastic Surgery for proper evaluation of your skin condition.

If you’re looking for a boutique clinic for advanced facelift techniques in Chevy Chase, MD, please feel free to call Capital Facial Plastic Surgery at (240) 630-8175. You may also click here to schedule a consultation.